Important Project Update: We have already established Proof of Concept for Pocket Miners long back and it is a Minimum Viable Product which is technologically proven and well established now.. The airdrop and the diversion of SWAT being sold currently on ForkDelta/TherDelta has also created a financial proof of concept for our project. There is a buy order currently for 1321202 SWAT at a price range of 0.000001 to 0.000001210 ETH. See screenshot below. The current mining on Pocket Miners and SWATMINER APK is going on at the rate of 11250 SWAT per day if someone mines non-stop for 24 hours a day. In addition they will get 11 SWAT for every rewarded video watched. So we can take it as a total of 11500 SWAT to be mined maximum per day.. So earnings per day is 11500 x 0.000001 ETH = 0.0115 ETH. In USD it is = 0.0115 ETH x 125 (price of ETH in USD on Yobit) = 1.4375 USD per day.. for 30 Days it works out to 43.125 USD, meaning it is 5.4 months BEP for Pocket Miner UNI and 2.7 month BEP for SWATMINER APP... only profit after that (This does not include ad revenue)... This is just the beginning of SWAT demand on just the decentralized exchanges.. With bigger exchanges to come we will have better buy support obviously.. By just mining 8050 SWAT per day today, anyone can earn 1 USD per day.. which was our commitment in the first place! We have achieved that now.. I have not put in my buy orders yet with the 40% profit we have generated with the sales of Pocket Miners and SWATMINER APKs till now.. Total sales 32 pieces as of today (all shipped/activated), both put together.. Average profit per piece is 47 USD approximately. So total profit is 47 x 32 = 1504 USD.. 40% of this works out to 600 USD.. Add to this a part of the funds generated recently from Yobit.. say a part amount of 2000 USD.. total is 2600 USD = 20.8 ETH.. I am planning to create a buy wall for 5 million SWAT on EtherDelta/ForkDelta for 5 ETH, 7.5 Million SWAT for 7.5 ETH on p2pb2b and 7.5 million on FatBTC.. A total buy back of 20 million SWAT.. I don't expect the price to be as low as this.. This SWAT will be given as an airdrop to all our long-term investors and those who had committed to the 10$ extra bonus and the 3% extra bonus schemes will get 10% and 3% over an above their normal share proportionate to the amount of SWAT held by them.. Those who have received airdrops recently will not be eligible for this quarterly bonus.. Once we have completed this, We would have completed all our first set of targets on our road map. It has been a great 10 months till now! We will create a new road map for 2019 and beyond.. 2019 will see much greater heights! Cheers Everyone!
Screenshot ForkDelta Buy Orders:

Screenshot ForkDelta Buy Orders:

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