This is a truly decentralized Wallet to Wallet exchange where you can trade SWAT from your Metamask Wallet to a Wallet of another User's Wallet.. Here you can trade between any Cypto Coin to any other Crypto Coin..
You have to login to the app using your Metamask Account here: https://app.ledgerdex.com/
Use the My tokens Menu on the left side to add SWAT with this contract 0xc0F1728d9513EFC316D0E93A0758c992f88b0809 by pressing the big + button on the right side.. You can trade SWAT against WETH (Wrapped ETH).. ETH has to wrapped to be traded. After the trade you can unwrap it.
You have set allowance for WETH and SWAT for trading these two currencies.. See screenshot..
Here is a SWAT sell order.. after logging in.. if you can click this link to see the order.. https://app.ledgerdex.com/#/app/order/0x16860d53eac9781bb8977b44cdccd30c577c91069674b3ae775d4669c9416c43
And here is a buy order.. https://app.ledgerdex.com/#/app/order/0xa41aeacd96fe674d85d4c3e79f1ec62ebc1ae23242362c4952db3004cbf9f9f3
You can try buying and selling small quantities of SWAT using these links.. You can search for these orders in the market menu, You can create your own order.. and track the orders on my orders page..
At every stage there will be some GAS price involved.. As always try with small quantities first..
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